10 Dublin (Kilternan) Scout Troop is one of the oldest Scout Troops in Ireland Founded in 1910 by Lord Powerscourt,
it started life in Enniskerry and moved into Kilternan sometime in the 1950s.
As our area has developed, so the numbers of Scouts has grown to the point where we have close to 100 Scout members.
For many years the Troop has been based in the Kilternan Church of Ireland parish hall and has recently moved to
a new hall in the Kilternan National School The group operates 4 programme sections, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Ventures.
The Troop does all the traditional scouting activities, hiking, camping, pioneering,
map reading and yes we still do knots but we also does work with community organisations such as residents' associations,
church groups and hospitals. The highlight of the scouting year is the summer camp and the tradition has developed in our Troop
of taking the two older sections on an international camp every second year.
So far our Scouts and ventures have visited, Czech Republic, Austria (twice), Jersey and Wales.
We also organise a Group camp every year so that scouts who are moving section get a chance to meet and camp with the scouts in their new section.
Welcome to 10th Dublin Kilternan Scouts